New Dentures & Denture Repair
Do you have broken and ill fitting dentures ? Are you ashamed to smile? Do you need new dentures? For the best advice on New Dentures and Denture repair in West Ryde, Meadowbank, Eastwood, Epping and all of Ryde, Call Smiles of Ryde now on 98742154 or click here to book immediately online.
Onsite parking is available; we are conveniently located at 913 Victoria Rd West Ryde 2114, for direction, click here.
For anything else, contact us.
What services do we provide?
At Smiles of Ryde Dental Surgery we provide a full and comprehensive Denture treatment. We handle the whole process from start to finnish. Ensuring everything is perfect, from the colour to the shape to the size and the feel. We make new dentures, provide denture repair and can assist with emergency denture repairs.
What’s the process and steps?
At Smiles of Ryde Dental Surgery the process of Denture Repair is as follows:
- Step 1 – We abscess the damage and will advise you on the best long term solution for repair
- Step 2 – We explain the steps in the process and obtain your verbal consent
- Step 3 – We take a mould of the denture and your mouth to ensure the repair will match perfectly
- Step 4 – We repair your denture, either while you wait or if it is a more extensive break the setting process may take between 1 – 3 days.
- Step 5 – We fit your denture back in your mouth, ensuring the repair is comfortable and looks good.
- Step 6 (optional) – We get you back for a review and adjustment.
At Smiles of Ryde Dental Surgery the process of New or Replacement Dentures is as follows:
- Step 1 – We examine your mouth and determine if you need New dentures or Replacement dentures.
- Step 2 – We explain the steps in the process and obtain your verbal consent
- Step 3 – We discuss the options you have regarding tooth shape, colour and denture material, either acrylic or metal. We go through the Pros, Cons and costs of each option to help you make an informed decision.
- Step 3 – We take moulds or scans of your mouth to ensure the new dentures will fit perfectly
- Step 4 – At the next appointment we try the denture in your mouth. At this stage it is made of wax. This way we can easily make changes to size, shape and colour before the denture is fully processed. For metal dentures, we may need more than one try-in appointment.
- Step 5 – We fit your new denture in your mouth, ensuring it is comfortable and looks good.
- Step 6 (optional) – We get you back for a review and adjustment.
What’s the cost?
The cost of a Denture repairs varies greatly depending on type of break, whether the denture is metal or plastic and if new teeth are required. New dentures also vary depending on how many teeth are needed. At Smiles of Ryde dental surgery, we discuss all your options and the pro’s and con’s of each to ensure you have an affordable, cost-effective and long term solution.
What are the payment options?
We have HICAPS facilities that allow you to claim immediately from your health fund and take all major credit cards. We provide Afterpay as well as more extensive payment plan options to suit your needs. For more information on payment options contact us.

Why choose us?
At Smiles of Ryde dental surgery, all our dentists are highly trained in New Dentures and Denture Repairs. We use the very best scientifically-based techniques to ensure your dentures will look and feel natural. We have extensive training in dentures and use the very best quality materials. We have been providing Dentures to West Ryde, Eastwood, Epping, and Meadowbank residents for many years with spectacular results.
Frequently Asked questions
What happens if my denture breaks?
If your denture breaks, bring it into Smiles of Ryde immediately. We will be able to provide a Quote and time frame for repair. We can often repair the denture while you wait. Make sure to bring all the broken pieces as they may be needed to ensure a perfect fit.
What causes broken dentures?
Dentures may weaken with time, especially plastic or acrylic ones. It is unusual for a metal or chrome denture to break. When cleaning dentures always do this over a towel as the most common breaks we see are from being dropped on the bathroom tiles. Always keep your denture away from petts, if your puppy gets a hold of your denture, you are likely to need a brand new one.
Can broken dentures be fixed?
Almost all broken dentures can be fixed, it does however depend on the quality of the existing pieces. If the denture is strong then a repair will be best. Our Smiles of Ryde dentists will give you a fair and honest opinion on whether you should repair or invest in a new denture. Click here to contact us
How much does it cost to fix broken dentures?
The cost of a Denture repairs varies greatly depending on type of break, whether the denture is metal or plastic and if new teeth are required. At Smiles of Ryde dental surgery, we discuss all your options and the pro’s and con’s of each to ensure you have an affordable, cost-effective and long term solution.
What kind of glue can be used to repair dentures?
Though we don’t advise you to fix your denture at home, if you’re in a pinch and can’t get in to see us, super glue can be a quick fix. It won’t last very long, especially if you use your dentures for eating, but it will certainly ensure you can smile in a photo if that’s all you need in the short term.